Minggu, 12 April 2015

Role of Speech Competition

General rules:
1.      The text must be original or not published yet.
2.      There will be four (4) topics for the first round and for SHS, there will be five (5) topics for the grand final round.
3.      There will be two (2) rounds in this competition.
4.      The first round, the participants must choose the topics given by the committee and collect the title of the speech to the committee at the day of technical meeting.
5.      The participants have to submit three (3) copies of the text of their speech to the committee at the technical meeting or at the day of the competition.
6.      The grand final round for JHS (Junior High School), the topic will be published, and for SHS (Senior High School), the topic will be given by the committee and the participants will be given 30 minutes to prepare their speech.
7.      In grand final round, you may do all your preparation outdoor.
8.      You may use all the support media during your speech preparation.
9.      You will have 8 minutes to present your speech.
10.  Five best participants will go to the grand final round.
11.  In the Grand Final Round of SHS, The adjudicators will ask 2 questions about your speech, while in the Final Round for JHS, the adjudicators will ask only one question to the participants.
12.  In the grand final round of SHS, the participants will have 10 minutes to present their speech, while in the grand final round of JHS, the participants will have 5 minutes to present their speech.
13.  When running the speech, the time keeper will give a sign of the time. In the first minute, there will be a green flag. Then, there will be a yellow flag in the minutes of five. At the end, there will be a red flag as the sign of the time’s up.
14.  The instructors are not allowed to help the participants during the competition.
15.  The instructors or the audiences must keep their manner during the competition run.
16.  When the committee knows the instructor helps the participants, they will be disqualified automatically.
17.  The 1st and 2nd winner of the last JOE Competition are NOT allowed to rejoin JOE 6. It aims to give a chance to another participant to explore their ability.
18.  The committee’s decision is final and can not be changed.

The Participants rules:
1)      The participants must come fifteen (15) minutes before the competition begin.
2)      The participants are not allowed to leave the speech room as long as the competition.
3)      The participants will be called three (3) times, if they do not come forward, they will be disqualified

a.       Content (Persuasiveness, accuracy, and structure)
b.      Language Usage (fluency, pronunciation, diction, grammar)
c.       Performance (gesture, eye contact, confidence)

Topics of the first round (SHS & JHS)
1.      The existence of recently women leaders
2.      The students’ effort in commemorating the International Earth Day
3.      The achievement of the Indonesian Youth in the globalization era
4.      Growing the entrepreneurship of the Youth in Indonesia

“The Most Inspiring Leader in Indonesia”
This competition is for Senior High School and Junior High School Students.
Coordinator of Speech SHS: Merry Ristian (0819-9756-9808).
Coordinator of Speech JHS: Sevfirda Arniatika (0897-5438-544)
Registration Fee: Rp. 70.000

a.      SHS : 45 participants
b.      JHS : 30 participants

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