Minggu, 07 Desember 2014

MUSTA 2014

  • These pictures are about the agenda of MUSTA VI. These pictures are also shows us how MUSTA happened. 

MUSTA 2014 - Raising The Excellence of Leadership to Reach The Brightest JS-EC

Congratulation for the Brothers and Sisters who worked hard in MUSTA VI. Congratulation for Brother Andre Julio Pratama who has been chosen as The New Leader of JS-EC 2014/2015. Also I would like to say 'Thank You' to the Advisors who help us so much in MUSTA VI. Thank You for the Demisioner who worked hard in 2013/2014. Hopefully with MUSTA VI, JS-EC could growing up more and more for the better future. Amin.


Sabtu, 27 September 2014

Placement Test Announcement

Congratulation for brothers and sisters,,

No Nama
1 Dedy Yulianto
2 Okta Herfiani
3 Riska Martia Sari
4 Nurul Luthfiyah
5 Athis Linanti
6 Wiwik Puspitasari
7 Apriliana
8 Riswanto
9 Yulia Puspitasari
10 Sulastri
11 Devina Widya
12 Gege Sagita Kusnadi
13 Yunita Dwi Astiti
14 Ayunda Pertiwi Ramadhani
15 Anis Afifah RN
16 Sena Marhaendra
17 Retno Wulandari
18 Rialita Nur Astuti
19 Farida Nur Laily
20 Susan Windariana
21 Reny Mardiana
22 Sela Ariyani
23 Chamidah Zahra
24 Septiana
25 Rohmatul Hasanah
26 Mimi Hamidah
27 Linda Saputri
28 Asnanudin
29 Destri Maryana
30 Luthfi Firnasari
31 Sri Astuti Haryati
32 Bahrumi Suganda
33 Sriyatun
34 Ayu Agustiana Dewi
35 Juwita Rahman
36 Aldi Permana Putra
37 Tri Asni Rismayanti
38 Tri Lestari Asha
39 Seli Yanawati
40 Wunang Teguh Wijayanti
41 Arini Khairunnisa
42 Akbar Ali Mustofa
43 Ita Febriyanti
44 Diah Wiharti
45 Ninda Anif Anggaretno
46 Siami Mutmainah
47 Nur Rahmawati
48 Dimas Rais Utomo
49 Fitriyani
50 Tika Riyan Abadi
51 Nur Hayati
52 Elda
53 Rini Hastari
54 Nur Alpi Andayani
55 M. Sandi Pratama
56 Ulfa Diyanti Fuati Zahroh
57 Desi Mega Malasari
58 Wulandari
59 Bertiana
60 Tymu Irawan
61 Maya Hardianingrum
62 Sindy Saras Shinta
63 Puji Astuti
64 Astin Rahmawati
65 Siti Nur Aisyah
66 Indah Noviana Sari
67 Kunti Syauqi Dinillah
68 Evi Lestari
69 Siti Mayang Sari
70 Oki Meriani
71 Rizkia Nur Hanifah
72 Dwi Nur Fitasari
73 Retno Ayu Nindia
74 Oktavia Martina Putri
75 Ifan Mustofa
76 Luthfi Nuriyana
77 Nia Zainiah
78 Erna Yunita
79 Anggina Tetan Admaja
80 Leo Nardi Purnawan
81 Tini Aulia Hanifah
82 Vita Ariyani
83 Indriyani Setiawati
84 Mey Yuliana
85 Dwi Puspitasari
86 Linda Suprihatin
87 Arum Tias Palupi
88 Winda Wijayanti
89 Sri Wahyuningsih
90 Fajarani Mumazizah
91 Umi Parwanti
92 Dwi Ayu Anggraini
93 Eka Nurwahyuni
94 Ismailludin
95 Linda Dwi Ratna Safitri
96 Titin Apriyanti
97 Dian Mayleni Afsari
98 Munirul Umam
99 Puji Rahayu
100 Yulia Lutfi Andini
101 A'at Perdiansyah
102 Tri Astuti
103 Setya Rohmah Syahbani
104 Gandis Yunita Sari
105 Ari Kurniawan
106 Erliana Sari
107 Ririn Andriyani
108 Ria Purniawati
109 Aulia Mabruroh

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

VISIon Equipping students with excellent English proficiency and enhancing the students’ English skills. MISsIon Training the students in order to be more active, creative, and innovative in learning English. Improving, enhancing, and empowering English proficiency among the university students Becoming the pioneers of English communication OB J E C T I V E S Creating optimistic and critical personals. Creating effective community among the university students. Building creativity in language knowledge in line with the present advances. Making English Program a favorite one. Building the sense of brotherhood, belonging, responsibility, knowledge, and alma mater.

Jumat, 28 Februari 2014




General Rules:

1)      The competition consists of two rounds (qualification round and final round).
2)      Each participant should perform one selected song in qualification round and two songs in final round.
3)      The scoring aspects are :
·         Vocal technique (teknik vocal)
·         Performance (penampilan)
·         Pronunciation (pelafalan)
4)      The minimum age is 14 years old and the maximum age is 24 years old.
5)      Female is prohibited to sing male song and vice versa.
6)      The participant should attend the technical meeting.
7)      The basic tone and performance number should be taken when technical meeting.
8)      The participant who doesn’t attend the technical meeting must take the basic tone by him/herself and the performance number will be taken by the committee.
9)      The costume is free but should be polite (women is allowed not to use veil)
10)  The participant should come earlier before the competition begins to do herregistration in the prepared place.
11)  The participant who comes late when the performing time can be disqualified.
12)  Enclose the copy of Osis card, KTM or KTP.
13)  The announcement for the winner will be held after the closing ceremony of JOE 5.
14)  The adjudicator’s decision is absolute.

Registration Fee                            : Rp. 75.000,00.
Quota                                             : 50 Participants
The coordinator of competition  : Feni Afriyati (0858 4085 8019)
Choices of songs
a.      Female

1)      Adele - Rolling In The Deep
2)      Adele - Set Fire to The Rain
3)      Avril Lavigne - Wish You Were Here
4)      Katty Perry - Roar
5)      Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You
6)      Mariah Carey - Hero
7)      Whitney Houston - I have Nothing
8)      Whitney Houston - When You Believe

b.      Male

1)  Bad English - When I See You Smile
2)   Bruno Mars - When I Was Your Man
3) Bruno Mars - Marry You
4)  Bryan Adams - Heaven
5)  Christian Bautista - Beatiful Girl
6)  Edwin McCain - I couldn't Ask for More
7)  Maroon 5 - She Will Be Love
8)  Michael Buble - Home




General rules:
1)      It’s a single story telling competition.
2)      There will be 2 rounds in this competition, the 1st round and the final round.
3)      The theme of the story telling for JHS is free.
4)    Only one round for JHS

The 1st round:
1)      Each participant has to submit 3 copies of the story to the committee at the day of Technical Meeting or at the day of competition.
2)      Each participant has to tell the story without bringing the text.
3)      Each participant has to bring their own properties in this round.
4)      Each participant has to speak loudly, briefly, and fluently.
5)      Each participant has maximum 7 minutes to perform.

Final round:
1)      The grand final will be impromptu story.
2)      The best 5 participants have to tell their story based on their imagination with the properties have been provided by the committee.
3)      The best 5 participant have 30 minutes to make the impromptu story.
4)      The time given is 5 minutes for each participant to perform.
5)      Each participant has to tell the moral value of their story.

The scoring are pronunciation, grammar, properties, content, and performance.
Theme of storytelling for SHS:
Save Indonesia”
1)      Junior High School/JHS     : 20 participants
2)      Senior High School/SHS    : 30 participants
Registration Fee     : Rp. 70.000,00.
Coordinator            : Evi yuliyanti (0857 7462 0361/JHS), Yoseva D. A.(085769566598/SHS)